Five minutes with Faram's
Simon Miles, Anarchy Brew Co
What’s your favourite hop?
What’s your favourite beer?
KCBC – Superhero Sidekicks
Favourite Food & Beer pairing?
Double IPA & Doner Kebab
Favourite beer destination?
New York City
Favourite pub in the UK?
On a sunny day – The Tyne Bar and when its raining ….. DATBAR (both in Newcastle)
What’s the one item in the brewery you couldn’t live without?
a calculator
Favourite song/album/artist/music to play during a brew day?
80’s pop or 70’s punk
If you weren’t in the brewing industry, what would you be doing?
Arborist (Tree Surgeon – old trade of mine)
Biggest inspiration in brewing?
My Father In Law
What got you into brewing?
Geordie Bitter – a boots homebrew kit in 1986
Favourite beer festival?
Its got to be one of the European ones, ….. Barcelona probably
Favourite interest/hobby outside of brewing?
Motorcycling and travel (combined normally)
What’s the last beer you brewed?
A White Grape Saison
Fuggles or Goldings?
What’s next for Anarchy Brew Co?
Continued growth and more variety