Love It? Request It. By 31st December.

BACK SUMMER 2024 Love it? Request it. By 31st December. Completion of the Northern Hemisphere Harvest The last few months of meticulous care and cultivation by hop growers is at an end across Europe and the USA. Into Freshpak and T90 Pellets We are now busily processing beautiful hops into Faram’s Freshpak and new-and-improved T90 pellets, from our solar panel covered cold store. Preparation for the 2024 Crop In New Zealand, growers are preparing the hop yards for the March harvest, which holds great promise and expectations of high quality, new world flavour hops. Request for Crop Please let us know your NZ 2024 crop requirements, ideally by the end of December. We’re happy to work through the process with you, just give us a call. High Demand for New Superdelic™ Variety Superdelic™ has been flying out the doors in a surge of demand and is fully contracted for last March’s crop at present. If that changes then users of our web shop and readers of our e-newsletter will be the first to know. This hop has garnered attention for its unique aroma and flavour profiles as well as enabling some fun marketing and super hero style socials. Forecast Increase Superdelic™ production is forecast to triple next year so we expect availability to be much improved. We’ve already had some fantastic feedback for it and look forward to hearing more!
Love It? Request It. By 31st December.
Hop Leaf 2 / Hop News