A New Faram’s Friend – Feature from France
- What’s your favourite hop?
Comet. Hop characteristics of grapefruit, mango and pine
- What’s your favourite beer?
Adnams Broadside
- What’s your favourite food and beer pairing?
Has to be a curry and an IPA
- What’s your favourite beer destination?
I’d like to go to Belgium
5. Favourite pub?
Ain’t Nothin But- London
- What’s the one item in the brewery you couldn’t live without?
A bottle opener!
- What’s your favourite song/album/artist/music to play during a brew day?
The Rolling Stones!
- If you weren’t in the brewing industry, what would you be doing?
Building mini bars like I do myself, out of trailers. Or Working for the National Trust.
- What got you into brewing?
My Dad, because he showed me how to do it.
- What’s your favourite interest/hobby outside of brewing?
The Great British Beer Festival
13. Last beer you brewed?La Cordiale
- Fuggles or Goldings?
15. What’s next for the brewery, what can we look forward to?
My wife has a secret plan. She should tell you really…
Hi, my name’s Emily and I co brew with Adam. We’re the next generation of this family-owned brewery. We’d like to go just one step further with our story. By using traditional hops from the UK. And we want to maintain that in our new range that we want to create for next year. Just a continuation wave.
Mobsbys - Five Minutes With Faram