The White Bear in Masham always has the warmest welcome.
The Fountain in Mevagissey is a real gem.
There are so many other great pubs, it is unfair to ask for a favourite!

Music choices vary – probably more classical in the early morning, but once cask washing starts, we need some tunes with a beat – our supervisor is a Shania Twain fan, and she is growing on me.

What’s next for Hook Norton or what can we look forward to from you in the future?
As the market has changed so much over the last 30 years, but particularly during the last 10, we are seeing increased competition in the beer market, so have diversified the brewery site. We have always done brewery tours, but now we have a restaurant, plus function and conference facilities on-site. We will be further developing these with an on site bakery, coffee roastery, and maybe a smokery. It is all about the consumer having a great all round experience that is beer centric, but also of broad appeal. Our online business has developed hugely – much as a result of C19 and all its impact. We sold more beer online in April than the whole of last year, and this helped us keep brewing and keep our yeast happy during lockdown. We have a pilot brewery, nano brewery, and entered the keg market about three years ago, plus we have added a lager to the portfolio. So, definitely more beer innovation as well!