Five minutes with Faram – Fergus Fitzgerald & Dan Gooderham

What is your favourite hop? 

Fergus: It’s not my favourite but I have a deep affection for the much maligned Sorachi Ace. As for favourite, I can only say that today I am mostly enjoying Chinook.

Dan: It changes a lot, I really like Harlequin® lately but what never changes is good old Goldings.

What’s your favourite beer?

Fergus: I hate picking a favourite anything, I don’t believe in it, so I generally don’t. However, this lockdown I am mostly drinking our NEIPA, Camden on Sea, a collab Citra® dry hopped lager we brewed with Camden Town, Lost & Grounded Keller Pils and Burning Sky Petite Saison.

Dan: Desert Island beer would be Duvel’s triple hop with Sorachi Ace.

Favourite food & beer pairing?

Fergus: Something pretty simple- fresh bread, goats cheese, a few tomatoes, matched with a chilled pale ale or a Saison, a summers day and some non socially distant friends.

Dan: I like cheese and sour beer.

Favourite beer destination?

Fergus: I’ve loved my trips to Denver for the Great American Beer Festivals, where I’ve learnt so much and met some great people.

Dan: Bristol.

Favourite pub in the UK?

Fergus: As he makes it such an experience every time we go I’d say the Anchor in Walberswick with Mark Dorber. You never know what beer, or even sometimes which craft brewer he will drag out of the cellar! 

Dan: The Nelson in Southwold!

What couldn’t you live without in the brewery?

Fergus: The wondrous Dan Gooderham.

Dan: An alarm clock.

Favourite music to play during a brew day?

Fergus: Only recently found them so I’ve been playing a lot of Big Thief at the moment, but the song I’ve got on repeat is Green & Blue by The Murder Capital.

Dan: Nirvana – Bleach.

If you weren’t in the brewing industry, what would you be doing?

Fergus: If the past two months are anything to go by I’d be making pitta breads for a living.

Dan: Horticulture.

Who is your biggest inspiration in brewing?

Fergus: The beer world is full of inspiration. When I first started brewing, Reg Drury, the old head brewer at Fullers seemed otherworldly to me. I think anyone who sets up their own brewery and runs it with integrity gets my vote. Too many to mention everyone, but I think brewers of all persuasions can learn something from people like Evin at Kernel, Annie and Alex at Lost & Grounded and Mark at Burning Sky.

Dan: My step dad Warren Candler.

What got you into brewing?

Fergus: Science and a desire to never again have to test cheese that’s been aged at 40°C and been through a stomacher. That, and George Young, ex Fullers, now Bath Ales encouraged me to abandon my once bright future in the Lab at Fullers to tread the boards of brewing. I will never forgive her!

Dan: Warren Candler!

What was the last beer you brewed?

Fergus: Actually brewed from start to finish? Not just mashed in for the cameras and left Dan to finish? Probably Ghost Ship, 10 years old this year!

Dan: Ghost Ship! (In the copper now)

Your favourite beer festival?

Fergus: I really enjoyed Seshfest at Magic Rock, as with all the best festivals the atmosphere and sense of the place make it special.

Dan: The Christmas beer safari with the family.

What’s your favourite interest/hobby outside of brewing? 

Fergus: Beer is my hobby, sourdough is my life! Not really, well maybe.

Dan: Gardening and the longest dog walks.

Fuggles or Goldings?

Fergus: Fuggles, I think Goldings is more versatile but I love the herbal and broad, soft tannins we get from the dry hop of Fuggles in an eight week old cask of Southwold Bitter.

Dan: Goldings.

Hop Leaf 2 / Hop News