Neighbouring postcode’s big win

Gold Medal for Friday Beer's new WR14 ale produced using raw materials from Charles Faram

The Friday Beer Co is proud to be the winner of a Gold “European Beer Challenge” Medal, at what is recognised in the trade as the most Important Beer Competition in the World. 

Winning a Gold European Beer Challenge Medal is THE seal of approval for established and rising beer producers. The Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge, London was the centre of the action as the most prominent beer buyers assembled for the blind tasting.


Judges included senior representatives of Whole Foods, 67 Pall Mall, Waitrose, Savoy Grill, Coop, Intercontinental, Roka, Brown’s Hotel, The Arts Club and Bibendum.


1,000 samples from 38 countries fought head to head. High profile entrants included some other notable Charles Faram customers among the list of ABInBev, Freedom Brewery, Waldhaus, Holba, Tommy’s Brewing, Thornbridge, L.B.F., and Barcelona Beer Company.


‘We are just so thrilled that our “WR14” Golden Ale performed so well at the European Beer Challenge 2019”, reported Gerald Williams (one of the three owners of The Friday Beer Co). ‘We are very excited that the most significant beer buyers selected our creations from amongst the top quality Breweries in the World. We are now proudly displaying our European Beer Challenge Medals to showcase that The Friday Beer Co is a Gold European Beer Challenge 2019 Medal Winner.’


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Feel free to give your Sales Manager a call or contact the office if you would like to talk through anything to do with products to contracting.  They’ll be happy to go through an expired hop contract, contract request, and usages.  Technical Advisors are ready to get involved in recipe development and help with advice.

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