Introducing Charles Faram Farms

Introducing Charles Faram Farms


Charles Faram Farms is a UK grower group partnership created to strengthen the links between growers and brewers.

 Charles Faram Farms works closely with us on all aspects of our Hop Development Programme and raising standards throughout the group through the sharing of knowledge and best practice. 

James Hawkins and Paul Corbett (pictured) will be directors of the group alongside Richard Phillips and Simon Parker.

The growers in the new group already produce a wide range of varieties, offering top quality hops ranging from the traditional Fuggle and Golding varieties to the low trellis varieties Sovereign, First Gold, Endeavour, Archer®, and the aphid resistant variety Boadicea. The group also grows a high proportion of the acreage of the Charles Faram varieties.

They are also very conscious of the environment and are looking at new practices to reduce the carbon footprint of the hops grown. This includes growing varieties that use less crop protection products, autumn planting of inter row cover crops, carbon neutral fuel in tractors and for drying in the kilns.

Charles Faram Farm hop growers are very keen to work closely with British Brewers to help them reduce their carbon footprint. It is hoped that brewers will recognise the value in buying local, sustainably grown hops, reduce their food miles and help the environment.

Hop Leaf 2 / Hop News