Hop Heaven for Nirvana Brewery
The end of harvest is finally here, and the team from Nirvana Brewery are visiting Charles Faram Farms growers Mark and Leslie Andrews whose family have been cultivating hops on a farm that has been producing them for at least 350 years.

After a quick discussion about the history of hops and their use in beer (apparently those in 1519 thought they were a ‘wicked and pernicious weed’) Mark showed the team around the farm and the work they have done with us to build the portfolio of our Development Programme.

The team were then treated to a tour around the hop farm to witness picking (still completed by hand) and processed through machinery, some of which was purchased over 70 years ago when Mark’s grandfather owned the farm.

Then it’s onto the main event and the reason for a mad dash to Herefordshire – Harlequin® hops, with their delicious blend of passionfruit, peach and pineapple scenting the air whilst they’re checked and bailed.

We can’t wait to see the results of this brew with one of the hops from the Charles Faram Hop Development Programme. If you’d like to read in more detail about Nirvana Brewery’s trip to the Andrews’ farm then you can find the full blog post here.

Nirvana Brewery are an independent brewery based in London. They’re the UK’s first brewery to focus on no/low alcohol beers. Their aim is to push the limits of what’s possible and providing delicious styles for the discerning alcohol-free drinker.