Supporting our customers through COVID – interactive seminar

Open to BFBI members and the wider industry for FREE.

26th November 2020

Join us for a full packed and interactive seminar which ends with Beer in the virtual Lobby!

BFBi host this free and value-led virtual event with industry speakers from Flavourly, Close Brothers, Saxon Packaging, Lemontop Creative, First Key consulting, Crisp Malt and Charles Faram.

This event is explores a range of topics from Branding, Hop & Malt contracts, Managing Business cash flow all during this difficult time. Join this event to not only gain support, advice and information but a great networking opportunity.

Programme includes

• How to successfully manage your business’ cash flow and resources during growth/challenges

• The importance of ensuring the quality of your canned and bottled product is as it should be

• Maximising the visual branding on your packaging

• What beers/branding styles are wholesalers looking for

• Q&A on managing hop & malt contracts during COVIDQ&A on managing hop & malt contracts during COVID

Hop Leaf 2 / Hop News